12 October 2011

Product Review: Mint Julep Masque

Today we're talking about a product that I have fallen in love with in the past 9 months: Queen Helene's Mint Julep Masque. I'm not being paid to sell this product (I wish) I just honestly enjoy it and wanted to share it with you.

If you have oily skin this is a great option. Beware because different types of clays are used for different skin types and skin issues. Didn't notice a huge difference right off the bat. But then I used it twice a week for 3 weeks and my pores looked smaller and my skin looked much cleaner and purer. Literally, I ran into an ex at an event that 3rd week and even he commented (twice) on how glowing my skin looked. (I told him it was a new mask but he didn't seem too inclined to believe that so I told him it was my new boyfriend.)

But seriously, it's a great little product, it's cheap, it works. So when you're feeling like your skin is starting to look a little grainy and greasy and could use a deep cleaning, slather this on for 15 minutes. I stick to twice a week when my skin is needing some help, otherwise, once a week. I'm also prone to cysts and it has really cut down on those as well. Deep-cleaning your skin and pulling out those impurities is actually really important and helpful. Pick it up here and give it a try!

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