23 July 2013

Ikea Odds and Ends

Made the 2+ hour road trip to Ikea last week. My first time! Loved it. It's like Disney for designers and if you've never been, it's quite the experience and well worth having at least once. Here's what I couldn't leave without:

The EIVOR Throw. It's a heavy acrylic sweater knit blanket in a dashing black and cream stripe. It looks stunning on the back of my couch. And it's a generous 4' x 5.5' which is nice. 

The DIOD Glasses. Beautiful smooth white blown glass. Sadly, one perished before we even made it home, which brings me to my 2 IKEA gripes.
1) They don't bag, wrap or package anything for you at the checkout. Once it's scanned, it's your problem. It's all very assembly line, cranking people through as quickly as possible. Well and good until nothing makes it home alive.
2) You can't order anything but the huge furniture online. I can't even replace the damn thing without 4 hours of driving. Ugh.
Anyway, 2 sizes: 3" 8oz and 5" 16oz

MÅLTID Serving bowl
Fancy angular bowls to glam up your table. Very Euro-chic. I'm detecting a theme in my kitchen...

And finally, this beast of a shelving unit, the VITTSJÖ. Weighs a ton and barely fit in the car. Thankfully all those glass shelves made it home in one piece! But I was able to put it together by myself with only a Phillips head in under 2 hours. Not bad!

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